organizational transformation

Decoding the Microsoft Growth Mindset

#HighOnData: Decoding the Microsoft “Growth Mindset”

Reed Cundiff, General Manager, Customer & Market Research, Microsoft, talks to LatentView Analytics about how the company is powering through their digital transformation journey by familiarizing stakeholders with the new tools, embracing a more experimental approach and how AI & ML are playing a pivotal role in automating the insights generation processes. Reed Cundiff General …

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How AI based Conversational Analytics will transform business 1

How AI-based Conversational Analytics will transform business

“Alexa, order paper towels…” Ten years ago, the idea of purchasing products on demand from home through a speaker was still in the realm of science fiction. Today, voice-enabled devices like Alexa and Google Home have made this a reality. The mobile-first era placed the world at our fingertips. In this new conversational age, our …

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Leveraging social media analytics for sports franchises 1

Leveraging social media analytics for sports franchises

“The purpose of business is to create a customer. In our instance, the business that we’re in is to create a fan.” – Peter Drucker Moving from conventionBy the end of 2017, the internet population was measured at 3.7 billion individuals who generate 2.5 quintillion bytes a day.  The world is now connected more than …

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Revolutionizing Healthcare Analytics through AI ML

Revolutionizing healthcare analytics through artificial intelligence and machine learning

According to a recent study conducted by Forbes magazine, Americans visit the doctor on an average of four times a year. While a long wait to schedule an appointment is one of the reasons that discourages patients from visiting a hospital, the cost of healthcare also acts as a major deterrent to people to seek …

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Realizing the potential of AI option 2 1

Four ways your company can get started implementing AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the rules of the game. AI can be used to extract new insights, transform decision making and enable improved business outcomes. Getting the most out of AI investments requires looking beyond technology by getting to the heart of business transformation. Staying ahead in the rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence race requires …

Four ways your company can get started implementing AI Read More »

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