
Uncover Insights, Drive Profit, Grow Your Brand Exponentially

Innovate Fast, Improve Operations, and Increase Revenue

You are navigating through demand volatility, inventory complexities, and ever-evolving customer preferences with analytics as an enabler. But there is a lack of actionable insights that leads to guesswork, potentially resulting in overstocked shelves, missed opportunities, and lost revenue. We can help you gain a holistic view of your business and customers by unifying the data scattered across disparate systems. By breaking down silos, our analytics solutions provide insightful analysis, interpretation of product innovation, and actionable recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Demand Planning & Buying

Forecast the future, never be overstocked or undersold

  • Predict customer demand with pinpoint accuracy: AI-powered forecasting models anticipate product needs, ensuring the right merchandise is on the shelves at the right time, minimizing both backorders and excess inventory.
  • Optimize buying decisions: Leverage data to make informed purchasing decisions, negotiate with suppliers, and avoid costly overstocking or understocking scenarios.
  • Identify trends and seasonality: Analyze historical data and external factors to anticipate changes in demand and adjust your inventory management strategies accordingly.

SCM Operations

Streamline your supply chain, from Warehouse to checkout

  • Monitor inventory levels across channels: Gain real-time visibility into inventory levels across physical stores, distribution centers, and online platforms, optimizing stock allocation and minimizing stockouts.
  • Optimize logistics and transportation: Analyze delivery routes, warehouse layouts, and transportation costs to improve efficiency, reduce shipping time, and control transportation expenses.
  • Predict and prevent supply chain disruptions: Monitor potential disruptions like weather events or supplier delays, proactively adjusting operations to maintain optimal stock flow.

Campaign Analytics

Measure what matters, maximizing the impact of your promotions

  • Track campaign performance across channels: Go beyond basic click-through rates. Analyze the true impact of your campaigns on sales, customer engagement, and brand awareness across online and offline channels.
  • Personalize your approach: Leverage customer data to tailor your promotions and targeting strategies, reaching the right audience with the right offers at the right time.
  • Optimize campaign spend: Allocate your marketing budget effectively by identifying which campaigns drive the most return on investment and adjusting your approach accordingly.

Pricing Optimization

Strike the perfect balance, maximizing profit at every price point

  • Dynamic pricing for a dynamic market: Set dynamic pricing strategies based on real-time data, customer segments, competitor pricing, and market fluctuations, maximizing your margins without leaving money on the table.
  • Analyze competitive pricing: Monitor competitor pricing strategies and adjust your own to stay competitive and win over customers.
  • Identify promotional opportunities: Leverage data to identify optimal timing and pricing for promotions, attracting more customers and boosting your sales.

Marketing and Customer Analytics

Know your customers, convert walk-ins into lifelong loyalists

  • Understand customer behavior across touchpoints: Analyze online and offline interactions to create a holistic view of your customers, their needs, and their journey through your brand.
  • Personalize every interaction: Deliver targeted recommendations, offers, and marketing messages based on individual customer preferences and purchase history, driving engagement and conversion.
  • Predict customer churn and implement retention strategies: Identify at-risk customers before they leave, understand their motivations, and implement targeted retention strategies to keep them coming back for more.


Assess and optimize retail promotions on the go

AccuPromo is a solution that helps you assess, strategize, and optimize your promotions. Get your hands on a promotion solution that understands price, inventory, and demand.


Assess and optimize retail promotions on the go

AccuPromo is a solution that helps you assess, strategize, and optimize your promotions. Get your hands on a promotion solution that understands price, inventory, and demand.

Success Stories

Campaign Optimization with Algorithmic Bidding

A large company with $100M+ in PPC spending across 500M+ keywords was stuck using manual spreadsheets, leaving money on the table. LatentView’s automated bidding platform, powered by machine learning, boosted their net revenue by 20% ($10M+) in the first year by optimizing bids, improving efficiency, and handling their massive data volume.
0 %
Surge in net revenue
$ 0 Mn+
Boost in net revenue within first 12 months

Achieving optimal data consumption through cloud migration

An American Fortune 500 consumer retail company wanted to optimize its data operations by retiring its on-premise data management setup to a cloud-based data platform. Watch how LatentView Analytics’ effective cloud migration solution resulted in optimal data consumption.
0 %
Cost savings with the proposed POC

Control store identification for campaigns using MatchView

A leading apparel retailer needed to improve the accuracy of their marketing campaign assessments by selecting the right control stores. LatentView’s MatchView is a retail store match engine that uses a sophisticated algorithm to identify the best control stores for each campaign. The new store match engine has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of the client’s marketing campaign assessments.
0 %
Reduction in campaign turnaround time
$ 0 Mn
Marketing spending went to demonstrably successful campaigns

Driving better health outcomes leveraging wearable technology

A leading global consumer electronics giant struggled to track and understand consumer actions from their wearable device data. LatentView intervened by crafting intuitive dashboards that aggregated user profiles and behavior data. This enabled multi-level data analysis, empowering the client to monitor programs comprehensively.
0 bp
Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Success Stories

Campaign optimization with algorithmic bidding

A large company with $100M+ in PPC spending across 500M+ keywords was stuck using manual spreadsheets, leaving money on the table. LatentView’s automated bidding platform, powered by machine learning, boosted their net revenue by 20% ($10M+) in the first year by optimizing bids, improving efficiency, and handling their massive data volume.
0 %
Surge in net revenue
$ 0 Mn+
Boost in net revenue within first 12 months

Achieving optimal data consumption through cloud migration

An American Fortune 500 consumer retail company wanted to optimize its data operations by retiring its on-premise data management setup to a cloud-based data platform. Watch how LatentView Analytics’ effective cloud migration solution resulted in optimal data consumption.
0 %
Cost savings with the proposed POC

Control store identification for campaigns using MatchView

A leading apparel retailer needed to improve the accuracy of their marketing campaign assessments by selecting the right control stores. LatentView’s MatchView is a retail store match engine that uses a sophisticated algorithm to identify the best control stores for each campaign. The new store match engine has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of the client’s marketing campaign assessments.
0 %
Reduction in campaign turnaround time
$ 0 Mn

Marketing spending went to demonstrably successful campaigns

Driving better health outcomes leveraging wearable technology

A leading global consumer electronics giant struggled to track and understand consumer actions from their wearable device data. LatentView intervened by crafting intuitive dashboards that aggregated user profiles and behavior data. This enabled multi-level data analysis, empowering the client to monitor programs comprehensively.
0 bp
Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Make Informed Decisions and Maximize ROI

Remember, data is not just numbers – it’s the story of your customers, your business, and your potential.

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