Reconnect, Reinvent

Welcome to the LatentViewers Community

Join our
Alumni Network

We extend a warm invitation for you to join the vibrant LatentView Analytics Alumni community. As a valued member, you have played a pivotal role in driving the growth and success of our organization, and now, we’d love to deepen our connection with you.

Join us in staying informed about key updates while sharing and celebrating the successes that have shaped our collective journey.

Stay connected, grow together


Stay plugged into #LatentViewLife - join exclusive events, webinars, and social gatherings.

Network with current employees, rekindle old friendships and build new connections. 

Stay updated on company milestones, news, and initiatives.


Tap into the LatentView knowledge network – gain access to mentorship programs, and industry insights.

Collaborate on industry projects, share expertise, and contribute to our collective growth.
Expand your professional network and unlock new career opportunities.


Stay informed about relevant job openings and exclusive alumni-specific positions.

Leverage your experience and skills to mentor current employees and guide their careers.
Become a valued advisor and contribute to shaping the future of LatentView.

I am because we are

Venkat Viswanathan | Founder & Chairperson

Our journey began with a simple dream: to make a real-world impact with data. It’s been a challenging and rewarding path, but it is our people who help us realize that dream. Our alumni network played a crucial role in this, and I know they’ll continue to be a driving force for the future. There’s a little bit of each of you in LatentView, and I hope there is a little of LatentView in you as well.

Pramad Jandhyala | Co-founder

I’ve always believed in the power of collaboration and innovation. Our alumni network represents a community of trailblazers who continue to shape industries and redefine success. The bonds we forged during our journey are the foundation of lifelong connections. The Alumni network serves as a hub for continued growth, learning, and the celebration of our collective achievements.

Rajan Sethuraman | CEO

Leading this organization has been a privilege, and witnessing the growth and success of our alumni is truly inspiring. We are committed to creating a culture of trust, respect, and support where everyone feels valued and empowered to succeed. Our alumni are a testament to this culture, staying connected and supporting each other even after they leave the company.

Venkat Viswanathan | Founder & Chairperson

Our journey began with a simple dream: to make a real-world impact with data. It's been a challenging and rewarding path, but it is our people who help us realize that dream. Our alumni network played a crucial role in this, and I know they'll continue to be a driving force for the future. There's a little bit of each of you in LatentView, and I hope there is a little of LatentView in you as well.

Pramad Jandhyala | Co-founder

I've always believed in the power of collaboration and innovation. Our alumni network represents a community of trailblazers who continue to shape industries and redefine success. The bonds we forged during our journey are the foundation of lifelong connections. The Alumni network serves as a hub for continued growth, learning, and the celebration of our collective achievements.

Rajan Sethuraman | CEO

Leading this organization has been a privilege, and witnessing the growth and success of our alumni is truly inspiring. We are committed to creating a culture of trust, respect, and support where everyone feels valued and empowered to succeed. Our alumni are a testament to this culture, staying connected and supporting each other even after they leave the company.

Join the LatentView Analytics Alumni Network


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