campaign optimisation

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Using location analytics for optimal site selection

Identifying the right location to set up a store forms a key part of any retailer’s core strategy. Selecting the right location is not only crucial for profitability, but can also determine whether the business can successfully thrive. Analyzing transactions, facilities, and asset data along with geographic data can reveal valuable insights that can help …

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Studying an on-demand economy with the help of social media analytics

The Internet revolutionized the way people gain information, share information, make purchases, and manage their lives. Now, we are well into a new and even more profound shift from the Internet Economy to what we call the Digital Consumer Economy. In the era of the consumer, it is crucial for businesses to cater to them …

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image analytics

Image Analytics: Secret sauce to movie marketing

There was a time when the internet was more text than pictures. Downloading pictures took minutes and videos, hours. More visual content meant more waiting. In short, online content was limited to text. Fast forward to 2017, and there is no denying that the world we live in is more visual than textual. Visuals have …

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Personalized marketing best practices: A consumer journey

Last week, while browsing through a few sites online, my eye caught the fancy of a particular branded watch. Of course, we all know the world wide web is full of choices, and in a bid to get the best bang for my buck, I searched a couple of retail sites, and after analyzing price …

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Analytics powered marketing for customer centric retailing

Analytics powered marketing for customer centric retailing

According to a recent survey conducted by the US Census Bureau, in spite of shrinking wallets, the propensity of people to invest in products to improve their lifestyle has steadily increased over time. Retail growth is expected to continue growing to reach 4.42% by 2020. Herein lies an immense opportunity for retailers to increase their …

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The Bigger Picture

The bigger picture: Using analytics to predict movie success

With the advent of Big Data and analytics, the world has changed in ways previously unimaginable. In a rapidly growing and thriving industry such as the motion picture industry, data analytics has opened a number of important new avenues that can be used to analyze past data, make creative marketing decisions, and accurately predict the …

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Understanding the decision funnel

Understanding the “decision funnel” using unstructured data

Businesses are well aware that analytics is changing everything – and that the difference between simply surviving or thriving, hinges on how they interpret and utilize data. Through analytics, organizations gain insights that drive decision making about everything from marketing and customer support to accelerating product innovation. However, often the data that holds the greatest …

Understanding the “decision funnel” using unstructured data Read More »

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