On 8th February 2024, LatentView Analytics organized an interactive networking event in Detroit with the theme “Shifting Gears: Accelerating Growth and Visibility with Data Analytics”. The high-octane event kick started with a Welcome Address from Prashant Vishnupad, Business Head – Industrials at LatentView Analytics. The event saw industry leaders across sectors come together to connect and engage with each other, while also getting to know about LatentView’s cutting-edge solutions in data analytics.

Keynote Address

Michael Webb

Senior Growth Manager - Industrials

While you are accelerating with analytics, it is crucial to be cognizant of sharp turns and disruptions in the business landscape. Analytics is a differentiator, but how can you achieve actual impact when most business data is inaccurate and fragmented? This Keynote address by Michael answered this critical question.

Michael delved into how industry leaders can outmaneuver data blind spots and drive real, measurable impact with analytics.

Key Takeaways

  • Gain multi-tier supply chain visibility: A common challenge for the attendees was the hindrance of a disconnected supply chain. We discussed how leaders can build a connected ecosystem to get insights across different levels of suppliers and partners, from raw materials to last-mile delivery, using LatentView’s ConnectedView solution.
  • Move beyond generic dashboards: Most of the dashboards are generic and do not offer a holistic view of your data. It has become imperative to transform from dashboards to insight-focused decision boards, and InsightLens has helped industry leaders achieve it.
  • Shift from personalization to individualization: Targeting and communicating with your customers and prospects based on demographics is proving to be less effective. To offer the best customer experience, you must know the preferences of each individual, and OneCustomerView helps you do it.

Solutions Spotlight

Disruptive Solutions for Leaders Who Dare to Disrupt


Transform From Dashboards to Decision Boards
As you’re cruising along the expressway, your car’s dashboard is like a high-tech control center, blending gauges, screens, and buttons, giving you all the important information about your ride in one convenient place. Now translate that to your organization’s data. What if you could see your data sorted and organized, giving you the key insights you need in an easily digestible, visual way? You can with InsightLens, our powerful data visualization solution that translates dashboards to decision boards.


Drive Efficiency, Visibility, and Growth with AI-powered Insights.
Did you know that supply chain leaders and managers on the frontline spend nearly 50% of their time trying to get visibility to the right data and insights that can inform them of the disruptions on the ground? This highlights a critical concern: a disconnected supply chain lacking visibility and optimal workflows. Supply chain leaders must now take the wheel and move toward a more efficient solution. We showcased ConnectedView at the event, which is a supply chain solution that helps leaders make informed and prompt decisions.


Perfect Your Campaign Personalization: No More. No Less.
Personalization has become the holy grail of marketing in a world driven by data and technology. But what happens when personalization goes too far? How do you strike the perfect balance between over-personalization and generic customer interactions? OneCustomerView can help you nail your personalization initiatives, improving your customer retention and, ultimately, your topline. Target the right customers with the right campaign, product, and strategy with OneCustomerView. The attendees were intrigued by OneCustomerView’s capabilities, like personalized recommendations for customers and automatic email outreach.

Glimpses from the Event

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